To enhance the experience of this site and have it a little more like visiting a real gallery I have added some details of works that I have already completed. (The full-size images you will find in the virtual gallery.) As well as adding to the experience of the works, I hope that the close-ups also share something of the pleasure of painting. Linseed oil and beautiful pigments make for a wonderfully sensual combination. Combine this viscous material with the strategy of painting in layers and you have a really engaging activity. Some may scoff, but it is still work that requires a certain amount and type of focus that can be a challenge to maintain for extended periods. The old body gets sore and stiff, but I still feel great for having achieved something in the studio.
detail: Explosive Landscape
detail: Explosive Landscape
detail: Explosive Landscape
detail: Layers
detail: Layers
detail: Saraji Dawn
detail: Saraji Dawn
detail: Winter Landscape
detail: Winter Landscape
detail: Saraji Landscape witrh Traditional Horizon
detail: Saraji Landscape witrh Traditional Horizon
detail: Saraji Landscape witrh Traditional Horizon
Detail: Armchair in Excavated Landscape
Detail: Armchair in Excavated Landscape